Thursday, February 9, 2017


Danas vam pokazujem komade nakit koji izgledaju kao milijun dolara i koje nosim naravno-svaki dan. Svi su se nadivili kako izgledaju i pitali me za cijenu, a kada sam im rekla ostali su u šoku, ne brinite, i vi ćete se iznenaditi! I što je najbolje, mogu se kombinirati zajedno jer izgledaju kao da su došli u paketu! 
Naručila sam ih sa Bornprettystore stranice, a ako se sjećate već sam naručivala nakit otamo i ponovno sam oduševljena. Prsten možete uzeti u srebrnoj i u zlatnoj boji, a moj je veličine 7. Na stranici imate pomoć oko veličina tako da se ne morate brinite da nećete uzeti dobru. Dijamanti na njemu jednostavno osvajaju mene i svakoga tko ga je vidio, a podsjeća na prstenje od milijun dolara! Platit ćete ga 35kn. Lančić dolazi u samo srebrnoj boji, a platit ćete ga duplo manje-18kn. I eto, za 50kn dobili ste bezvremenske komade nakita koje uvijek možete nositi i koji podižu kombinaciju.
Sviđaju li vam se ovi komadi nakita? Što kažete na njihovu cijenu?

Today I am showing you pieces of jewelry that look like million dollars i that I wear of course-everyday. Everyone were amazed by them and asked me for the price and when I told them they were in shock, don't worry you will be shocked as well! And the best part of it they can combine together because they came in same package!
I ordered them from online shopping store Bornprettystore and you may remember that I have already ordered and got some jewelry from there and was amazed and now it's the same. You get the ring in silver and gold color and my is in the size 7. There's a size chart on the page so you don't have to be worried about getting the one in wrong size. Diamonds on it simply wins me and everyone who saw them and it reminds me on million dollar rings! You will pay $5.23 for it. Necklace comes only in silver color and you will pay only $2.69 for it. And here it is, for $8 you got timeles pieces of jewelry that you can always wear and that make combination even better. 
Do you like these pieces of jewelry? What do you think of their price?

1 comment:

  1. Divno je. Minimalistički lančić...prsten imam sličan,definitivno dašak čuksuza se osjeti :D


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