Monday, March 28, 2016


Today I am finally sharing with you the only product that I have been using for the past two monts everyday for taking my makeup off! It is Las Chicks Magic Glove antibacterial glove for makeup removal. You have probably seen it already on shelf of Bipa store and if you are still hesitating about buying it, now you will be sure. I used to use different tissues and milks for taking my makeup off but because lately my skin isn't in its best state  and because I am trying to avoid unnecesarry iritations on my skin with all kinds of chemicals, this glove is great choice for skin that already takes a lot of products because it doesn't contaminate any remedy that could iritate it additionally.

What does the packaging say?
Thanks to the particular material the glove removes make up even without the use of detergents. Extra soft and antibacterial thanks to the action of silver ions. Dermatologically tested. Rinse before and after use and let it dry.


The price of this product is 8 dollars and it can be bought in Bipa stores. I think that this price is more than great because of the mentioned reasons of why I have even started using it. 
The packaging is simple, glove is in transparent nylon on which one you can read all the information you need to know before decideing on buying it. Glove is really soft and is made out of two parts-blue and white. White one is big as palm and is used for removing your makeup. Because of its height (11x9cm) and widht (1cm) it is perfect for traveling.
Usage is really short and simple. Before and wet it, first I make sure to wet my face so that removal is easier. After I wet the glove, I am removing makeup with circular motions. The number of wetting the glove is based on your desire but because of better review I have tried and multiple wetting with water and only one and I can tell you that there is no difference. What is really important to hightlight is that mascara, which was always the toughest part to remove, now I remove with only one glove motion over my eyes. Of course, just in case I go over my eyes one more time but all the blackness from mascara removes from the first time. One thing that has suprised me especially is that after cleaning my face, wetting it, and wiping it off with a towel, there is no a single spot of leftower makeup which means that the glove really does promised job.
Washing takes only a minute and I am doing it with liquid soap. Makeup is removing really easy and glove looks almost like a new one even after 60th washing. After I was it, I put it to dry and I can use it already tomorrow. 
Duration of a glove is about three months-one hundred usages. 
Smell is really important element to what I pay attention while buying something and this product has no smell.

Conclusion: This is the product that is definitely worth of giving 8 dollars every 3 months! If you are not happy with your curent makeup removal products because of iritations, if you have sensitive skin or just simply don't want to spend money on expensive products and you want to try something new-this is for you. Plus, great news for all nature lovers-this glove is eco friendy because by reducing the use of cleansing Wipes, make-up removing liquids, oils etc., you reduce the amount of chemicals, plastic and other resources – and significantly lower the amount of residue. I am really pleased with the fact that at least my products for removing my makeup doesn't contain and chemicals and my face is gratefull for it already!

What do you use to remove your makeup? Have you tried this?

Danas vam napokon predstavljam jedini proizvod kojim već 2 mjeseca skidam svoju šminku svakodnevno! Radi se o Las Chicks Magic Glove antibakterijskoj rukavici za skidanje šminke. Sigurno ste ju već ugledali na policama Bipa trgovine, a ako još niste sigurni biste li ju trebali kupiti, sada ćete biti sigurni. Ranije sam koristila razne vlažne maramice i mlijeka za skidanje šminke, ali pošto u zadnje vrijeme imam problema sa licem te izbjegavam nepotrebne iritacije kože raznim kemikalijama, ova rukavica je odličan izbor za kožu koji već trpi dovoljno proizvoda na njoj jer ne sadrži nikakva sredstva koja bi kožu mogla dodatno iziritirati.

Što piše na pakiranju rukavice?
Zahvaljujući posebnim mikrovlaknima rukavica uklanja šminku i bez upotrebe sredstava za čišćenje. Rukavica je izuzetno mekana i antibakterijska, zahvaljujući djelovanju srebrnih iona. Dermatološki testirana. Rukavicu namočiti vodom i ukloniti šminku. Nakon upotrebe isprati i pustiti da se osuši.

Cijena ovog proizvoda je 49,99kn i može se kupiti u Bipa prodavaonicama. Mislim da je ova cijena zaista odlična s obzirom na spomenute razloge zbog kojih sam ju i počela koristiti. 
Pakiranje je jednostavno, rukavica se nalazi u prozirnom najlonu na kojem možete pročitati sve što biste trebali znati prije negoli se odlučiti kupiti ju. Sama rukavica je jako nježna, a sastoji se od dva dijela: plavog i bijelog. Bijeli dio je veličine dlana i služi za skidanje šminke. Zbog svoje dužine (11x9cm) i širine (1cm) savršena je za putovanja. 
Upotreba je zaista kratka i jednostavna. Prije nego što namočim rukavicu, prvo namočim lice da skidanje šminke bude lakše. Nakon što namočim rukavicu, kružnim pokretima skidam šminku. Broj močenja rukavice je ovisan o vašoj želji, a radi kvalitetnije recenzije, ja sam isprobala višestruko te samo jedno močenje vodom tijekom skidanja i mogu reći da razlike uopće nema. Ono što je vrlo bitno naglasiti je to da maskaru, koju mi je uvijek bilo najteže skinuti, sada skinem jednim prijelazom rukavice preko očiju. Naravno, preko očiju pređem još jednom za svaki slučaj, ali sva crnina maskare se skine iz prvog puta. Ono što me posebno oduševilo je to što kada se, nakon skidanja šminke te umivanja, obrišem ručnikom, na njemu ne ostane ništa šminke što znači da rukavica zaista radi obećani posao.
Pranje rukavice traje maksimalno jednu minutu, a ja ju perem najobičnijim tekućim sapunom. Šminka se sa nje skida vrlo lako, a rukavica izgleda skoro kao nova i nakon 60. pranja. Nakon što ju operem, stavim ju da se osuši i već ju sutradan opet koristim.
Trajanje rukavice je oko 3 mjeseca, odnosno oko 100 pranja. 
Miris je bitna stvar na koju obratim pozornost prilikom kupovine proizvoda koje ću stavljati na lice, a ova rukavica nema nikakav miris.

Zaključak: Ovo je proizvod za kojeg se više nego isplati svaka 3 mjeseca izdvojiti 50kn! Ako niste zadovoljni trenutnim proizvodima za čišćenje šminke zbog iritacija, imate osjetljivu kožu ili jednostavno ne želite potrošiti novac na skupe proizvode, a želite probati nešto novo-onda je ovo definitivno proizvod za vas. Plus, dobra vijest za sve ljubitelje prirode- rukavica je «eco-friendly» jer se smanjenjem upotrebe vatica, vlažnih maramica, različitih tonika i mlijeka za čišćenje lica smanjuje količina kemikalija, plastike i ostalih štetnih tvari za okoliš. Jako mi je drago što mi barem proizvod za skidanje šminke ne sadrži razne kemikalije, a moje lice mi je zbog toga već sada zahvalno! 

Što vi koristite za skidanje šminke? Jeste li probali ovu rukavicu?


  1. Zvuči obećavajuće i nekako nemoguće. :D Trebam isprobati. :) Bilo je vrijeme da se vratiš pisanju! :D

    1. Jelda? To bih i ja rekla da nisam probala! :D Faks na prvom mjestu! :D


Your feedback is always appreciated! :)